Sometimes when I am feeling down or linely I like to write Nobody Letters. That is, a letter to someone you don't know. I write it, let them know that I am thinking about them, and then place it somewhere for someone, or no one to find. (i.e. a book in a library or on a table in a coffee shop.) I have never received a Nobody Letter but I imagine it may make someone smile, or at the least give them something to read for a minute. Here is an example of a Nobody Letter:
     Dear You,
          I am glad this letter has found you. I hope your day is going well and that you are doing better than yesterday. I wanted you to know that I am thinking of you, even though I have no idea who you are. Please smile, it helps the days get better, even the really good and really crappy ones.

So this week, should you find yourself feeling lonely or that no one is thinking of you, think of someone else, no one in particular, and write to them.